It’s time for weekly update. I’m on step 4 of the Snowflake Method for writing my new series. Yes, It’s still slow going, but at least I’m making progress that will help with writing the series later. So that is what I did this week. What did you do? Comment below!
Author: admin
Weekly Update: November 21, 2023
I’m back, and have started writing again. I remembered I used the Snowflake Method when writing The Temporan Chronicles series, so I’m starting to do that for my new, as yet untitled series. I’m on step 3, which is fleshing out the main characters. It’s taking a while, but I felt like I didn’t have…
Weekly Update: October 31, 2023
It’s time for the weekly update again. Here is what I did. I did some writing, but I also started using the method I used for developing my Temporan Chronicles series, to start fleshing out this new series. I felt like I only had a vague idea where the overall story was going. So, I…
Weekly Update: October 24, 2023
It’s time for the weekly update again. Here is what I did. I’m still meeting my wordcount goal for the month. I feel like what I’m writing may not be great, but I’ve got to start somewhere. The more I rewrite, the better my writing seems to get. I also studied another work and listened…
Weekly Update: October 17, 2023
It’s time for the weekly update. Here is what I did. I’m still adjusting to my new wordcount goal for the month. I also studied another novel, and listened to some podcasts. So that is what I did this week. What did you do? Comment below!
Weekly Update: October 10, 2023
It’s time for the weekly update again. Here is what I did. I increased my word count with the new month. It’s harder than last month, so the writing part of my brain is definitely getting stretched. But like exercise, I have to take time to adjust. So that is what I did this week….
Weekly Update: October 3, 2023
It’s time for the weekly update. Here is what I did. I worked some more on my new series, and studied other works. I also listen to some podcasts. With the beginning of the new month, I hope to increase my word count some more, but we shall see if it’s too early or not….
Weekly Update: September 26, 2023
It’s time for the weekly update again. Here is what I did. I had more success on reaching my daily wordcount, so cutting back and building up more slowly was the right answer. I have continued to study other works, and listened to some podcasts. So that is what I did this week. What did…
Weekly Update: September 19, 2023
It’s time for the weekly update. Here is what I did. I had to cut back on my daily wordcount goal. I was becoming overwhelmed, and not getting as much done as before, so I only increased my wordcount slightly, which worked. Apparently, I have to be more gradual in increasing my wordcount than I…
Weekly Update: September 12, 2023
It’s time for the weekly update. Here is what I did. I have increased my word count goal in an attempt to get books out faster. It’s been a challenge, so I’m probably going to stay at this point for a while. I’ve also continued to study other works. So that is what I did…