With Aeneas Venor’s threat level established, let’s see how dangerous his sister, Delphina is.
Delphina is also a level 1.5, for the same reasons as her brother. She is a child, so she can’t do much. But she is of mysterious Temporan origin, and her parents will ensure she takes full advantage of her gifts. She and her brother will be in positions comparable to those of the Campestrian royal children, if not better.
Threat Level | Characters |
10 | |
9.5 | Arcor, Emma, Vivianna, Vitalis |
9 | Portenia, Pactian, Paul Nemorian |
8.5 | Bellona, Dr. Luke Percuro Alveian, Artia, Hestatian, Litera, Desquamo, Timothy Nemorian, Aeneas Imberian, Fortuno Imberian |
8 | Bestiarius, Leo Venor, Abellana Venor |
7.5 | |
7 | Gelida |
6.5 | |
6 | |
5.5 | Apathus |
5 | |
4.5 | |
4 | |
3.5 | |
3 | |
2.5 | Peter Imberian, Arabella Imberian, Demetrius Nemorian, Lillian Nemorian, Constantine Imberian, Raphael Nemorian, Primavera Nemorian Augustus Imberian, Darius Imberian |
2 | |
1.5 | Stephan Campestrian-Fidenian, Valeria Campestrian-Fidenian, Aeneas Venor, Delphina Venor |
1 |