Warning: spoilers for Struggle of Time below! With Delitor’s threat level established, let’s see how dangerous Emma has become. Emma is also now a level 9.5. Her rule over The Barrens is now a sure one. Even Diabolian will have difficulty dislodging her if he gets that far. With the experience she has gained, she…
Weekly Update: November 3, 2020
It’s time for the weekly update! Here is what I did. I’m still working through feedback for the Temporan Chronicles prequel. The first draft for my new novel is currently about 39,000 words long. Don’t forget, Secrets of the Past is still $2.99. Download your copy before this deal ends. So that is what I…
How Big of a Threat is Arcor in War for the Future
Warning: spoilers for Struggle of Time below! With the beginning of a new book, its time to examine Arcor’s threat level again. Let’s see how dangerous he has become. Arcor is now a level 9.5. His newfound faith has had a positive impact on him. He is less paranoid, and more willing to accept the…
Weekly Update: October 27, 2020
It’s time for the weekly update again! Here is what I accomplished. There isn’t much to report for this post. I’m still working on feedback for the Temporan Chronicles prequel. I’m also 34,000 word into the first draft for the first novel of my new series. Don’t forget, Secrets of the Past is still $2.99….
How Big of a Threat is Diabolian in Struggle of Time
Warning: spoilers for Battle of the Ages below! With Timothy Nemorian’s threat level established, let’s see how dangerous Diabolian has become. Diabolian has remained a level 9.5. With Delitor in his current state, Emma is the greatest threat Diabolian faces at the moment. She is rather occupied with fighting a now united Gelida and Excidian,…
Weekly Update: October 20, 2020
I enjoyed my time off from writing, but I have taken up my pen again. Here is what I have done since October 15. I’m currently 29,000 words into the first draft of my new novel. I’m also still going over feedback from one of my beta readers, for The Temporan Chronicles prequel. I’ve come…
How Big of a Threat is Timothy Nemorian in Struggle of Time
Warning: spoilers for Battle of the Ages below! With Paul Nemorian’s threat level established, let’s see how dangerous another new character, Timothy Nemorian, is. Timothy is a level 7. He is actually Paul’s son and works closely with him. For that reason, Paul’s threat level is a strong factor in Timothy’s. As a Temporan, Timothy…
How Big of a Threat is Paul Nemorian in Struggle of Time
Warning: spoilers for Battle of the Ages below! With Desquamo’s threat level established, let’s see how dangerous new character, Paul Nemorian, is. Paul Nemorian is a level 8.5. While little can be said of him without giving away spoilers, he is the leader of the group of Temporans. Therefore, he must intelligent, and powerful as…
How Big of a Threat is Desquamo in Struggle of Time
Warning: spoilers for Battle of the Ages below! With General Apathus’s threat level established, let’s see how dangerous Desquamo Ardescan has become. Desquamo has remained a level 8.5. He is so old, and has worked so hard, that there isn’t much he can do to improve his Temporan power. Physically he has remained much the…
How Big of a Threat is General Apathus in Struggle of Time
Warning: spoilers for Battle of the Ages below! With Bellona’s threat level established, let’s see how dangerous General Apathus is. General Apathus has remained at a level 5.5. This may seem surprising, since Apathus stands to gain from Excidian’s rise in power. But Excidian isn’t the leader Delitor was, and Gelida isn’t either. So while…