Here is my next entry in the Temporan Houses blog series. Name: House Nemoria Base of operations: the nation of Nemoria, specifically the capital, Materia. The Nemorians are also highly active in Alveia, the nation of their closest allies. Color: green Symbols: the pendulum, like the kind found in grandfather clocks, trees and other plant…
Blurb for Battle of the Ages
Here is the back blurb for my next book, Battle of the Ages. Hope you like it. What if as your life grew better, the future grew dark? After a bitter betrayal, Emma is finally recaptured by Delitor. But between his efforts to win her, and revelations about his own past, she begins to fall…
Temporan Houses: House Alveia
Here is the next Royal House in the Temporan Houses Series. Name: House Alveia Base of operations: the nation of Alveia, specifically its capital, Aurea Aqua. The Alveians are also quite active in Nemoria, the nation of their closest allies. Color: aqua, teal, any combination of blue and green Symbols: the water-clock, rivers, lakes Founder:…
Cover for Battle of the Ages
Here is the cover for my next book in The Temporan Chronicles, Battle of the Ages. What do you think? Comment below.
Temporan Houses: House Imberia
I’m starting a series of posts about each of the Temporan Houses featured in The Temporan Chronicles. It will cover basic information such as their powers, place of residence, and character traits, but will also feature other information not spelled out in the glossaries. I’m beginning with House Imberia since it is the most heavily…
The Significance of Names
Have you ever noticed in fiction that the names of characters sometimes hold important meanings? These meanings can reflect a certain trait in the character, or even hint at future actions. Well my books follow the same pattern. A little clue to all my fellow theory-crafters out there, almost every name in The Temporan Chronicles…
Hello everyone!
I’m R. E. Steele, author of The Temporan Chronicles. This blog will explore the world I created in these books. I may occasionally write about other subjects, but this blog will be primarily focused on my books. I look forward to connecting with you, my readers.