Here is my next post about the different Temporan Houses.
Name: House Nerine
Base of operations: the southern coasts of Tempora
Color: blue
Symbols: the astrolabe, the ocean
Founder: Philippus Nerinian
Important members: Convienian Nerinian, Pactian Nerinian
Special power: the ability to easily slow down time. This gives them extra time to think when in tough situations.
Personality: the Nerinians are negotiators by nature. The prefer to find peaceful solutions to problems rather than fighting. They, like the Imberians, are balanced between logic and emotions.
Strengths: peaceableness, the Nerinians are the easiest Temporans to get along with. They are willing to go to great trouble to accommodate their friends. Negotiation, the Nerinians are diplomats by nature. They excel at arranging treaties and other agreements.
Weaknesses: pliancy, the Nerinians are sometimes too willing to compromise on things they shouldn’t in order to stay at peace with others.
Occupations: diplomat, sailor
Hobbies: sailing, hosting guests
So that is House Nerine. Can you think of any information I missed? Comment about it below.