After considering topics I could cover in this blog, I thought it would be a good idea to write a pronunciation guide for the character and place names in The Temporan Chronicles. Some of the names are, after all, not exactly intuitive to pronounce. My own mother has problems guessing some of them! So I thought other people would appreciate a guide. Fair warning, I’m no English teacher, so my guide can probably be picked apart by one. But I did my best. Vowels with no mark above them are short. Vowels with a long line above them are long. The words are divided up by syllable with emphasis marks placed where needed.
- Alveia: \al-`vē-a\
- Alveian: \al-`vē-an\
- Aegis: \`ā-gis\
- Apathus: \ap-`a-thus\
- Arcor: \`ar-cor\
- Ardesco: \`ar-des-co\
- Ardescan: \`ar-des-can\
- Ardua: \`ar-doo-a
- Artia: \`ar-tē-a\
- Attonita: \`a-ton-ē-ta\
- Auctus: \auct-`tus\
- Audacia: \a-da-`cē-a\
- Aurea Aqua: \ar-`ē-a `a qua\
- Avidus: \`av-i-dus\
- Bellator: \`bell-a-tor\
- Bellona: \`bell-ōn-a\
- Benivolian: \ben-i-`vol-ē-an\
- Bestiarius: \best-`air-ē-us\
- Callidus: \`cal-i-dus\
- Campestre: \cam-`pest-re\
- Campestrian: \cam-`pest-trē-an\
- Clericus: \`clair-i-cus\
- Confisior: \`con-fis-ē-or\
- Convienian: \con-`vēn-ē-an\
- Cordator: \`cor-dat-or\
- Crisimus: \`cris-im-us\
- Crux: \`croox\
- Delitor: \`del-i-tor\
- Desideris: \`des-i-der-is\
- Desquamo: \des-`qua-mō\
- Diabolian: \dī-a-`bol-ē-an\
- Dux: \`dux\
- Excidian: \`ex-sid-ē-an\
- Facetian: \`fas-e-tē-an\
- Faetor: \`fā-tor\
- Fidenian: \fi-`den-ē-an\
- Firmian: \firm-`ē-an\
- Fortuna: \for-`toon-a\
- Frigere: \fri-`gair-ē\
- Fulvi: \ful-`vē\
- Gelida: \`gel-i-da\
- Hestatian: \he-`stā-shē-an\
- Imberia: \im-`ber-ē-a\
- Imberian: \im-`ber-ē-an\
- Incendium: \in-`cen-dē-um\
- Intempera: \in-`tem-per-a\
- Justa: \`just-a\
- Laeta: \`lā-ta\
- Litera: \`li-ter-a\
- Maris: \`mar-is\
- Materia: \ma-tear-ē-a\
- Mella: \`mell-a\
- Navitus: \nav-`i-tus\
- Nemoria: \ne-`mor-ē-a\
- Nemorian: \ne-`mor-ē-an\
- Nerine: \ner-`ēn\
- Nerinian: \`ner-in-ē-an\
- Nix: \`nix\
- Obstinian: \ob-`stin-ē-an\
- Oprepo: \`ō-prē-pō\
- Pacis: \pa-`chēs\
- Pactian: \`pact-ē-an\
- Patiena: \pa-`tēn-a\
- Pellia: \`pel-ē-a\
- Percuro: \per-`cūr-ō\
- Placidia: \pla-sid-ē-a\
- Portae: \port-`ā\
- Portenia: \por-`tēn-ē-a\
- Praefractum: \`prā-fract-um\
- Rebellatrix: \re-bel-a-`trix\
- Sapencia: \sa-`pens-ē-a\
- Severus: \`sev-er-us\
- Silva: \sil-`va\
- Solitarii: \sol-i-`tar-ē\
- Sollerus: \`sol-er-us\
- Telius: \tel-`ē-us\
- Tempora: \`tem-por-a\
- Temporan: \`tem-por-an\
- Trunci: \trun-`sē\
- Viridis Agri: \`vir-i-dus a-`grē\
- Visio: \vis-`ē-ō\
- Vitalis: \`vī-tal-is\
- Vivianna: \viv-`ē-an-a\